Arra​n Animal Rescue & Sanctuary (known as Arran Rescue) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO)
regulated by the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR), 
Scottish Charity number: SC052202.

Animal Care and Welfare

Guinea Pigs are companionable pets but they need a lot more care than most people realise. ​Handling carefully from babies is important for them to be used to humans and even then some will still be shy of such. They should be kept in pairs due to their sociable nature and whilst keeping them with other animals has always been thought of as good they should not be kept with rabbits. They should be kept in their enclosure to prevent them escaping or indoors getting out and chewing wires etc. They are after all a member of the rodent families.
The site below has lots of information about guinea pigs and their care.

Just Ask Guineapiggies

When we think of Rabbits we see cute fluffy creatures but they are one of the most abused and neglected creatures. Why is that? Simply due to owners not fully understanding a rabbits needs. 
Remember a hutch is not enough.

The site below  has lots of information about the care and welfare of rabbits and can help with queries about their care.

The Rabbit Welfare Association

Rodents as pets!  Yes both Rats and Mice make good pets and are very sociable creatures. Ideally you keep them as pairs and same sex! Breeding will be overwhelming if not. There aren't any specific websites that deal with both mice and rats and so I refer you to The National Rat Society from which you can get some information and from there find other places with useful information. 
For mice go to​ the site below where they have straight forward advice on what you need for your mice and how to care for them.

The National Rat Society The Blue Cross (for mice)

Reptiles are not cold creatures but warm blooded. Reptiles includes Tortoise, Snakes and Lizards.
Most are not indigenous to the UK. Thus you need to  understand climate and environment of the country of origin to help in their proper care and welfare. The site below has a lot of easy to follow and  well laid out information on reptiles. Do take time to read up you'll save yourself a lot of heartache and misconceptions about keeping a reptile as a pet.

Evolution Reptiles

Bats are protected because they are at risk and it is illegal to handle a bat unless it is to help an injured one. There are 1400 species of bats worldwide. They account for 25% of mammals in the UK. 
The Bat Conservation Trust (link below) has lots of information about bats and you can find all you need to know on their site. 
If you want to help bats thrive consider putting up a bat box. It can go on house walls, trees and barns. If you find bats in your loft or barn you must not destroy it or move it. It is an offence to do so.
Contact the trust above for information about what to do especially if you are planning building work. 

The Bat Conservation Trust

Hedgehogs are such wonderful creatures. Often misunderstood! The page below provides lots of fabulous advice and ideas for you to help them with a feeding station and housing for winter time to encourage this rather than the large bonfire pile you might be accruing.
There are more details on their site in the link below. If you find an injured hedgehog please take it to the vets. If it is concerning you bit doesnt appear injured use gardening gloves to collect it up, bring it indoors and put it in a high sided box with an old towel or fleece in the bottom for the hedgehog to hide under. Fill a hot water bottle so that when it is wrapped in a towel there is a nice gentle heat coming through and put that in the bottom of the box with the hedgehog, ensuring it has room to get off the bottle should it get too warm.  Don't let the bottle go cold. Put the box somewhere quiet. Then call me.

The British Hedgehog Preservation Society